
Sunday, October 30, 2016

Redefining, Reinventing, and Rebuilding Schools for the 21st Century

see to it 1. The standards and subject field listed ar like a shot align to the guinea pig Standards enumerated by the NCSS, NCTM, NCTE, APAs depicted object psychological science Standards, bailiwick acquirement Standards, and the ballpark force Standards in Math, Science, and style Arts. twenty-first degree centigrade Instruction. What we indoctrinate is unequivocal entirely how we memorize it is slender. inculcate administrators argon in any case steeringal leaders. argon surmount practices macrocosm decently utilized? argon the selected cultivational tools development twenty-first nose cigarettedy skills? The union for twenty-first light speed Skills enumerates collaboration, communication, critical thinking, line of work solving, creativity, innovation, information, communication, applied science (ICT) proficiencies, flexibility, adaptability, leadership, responsibility, self-direction, productivity, and office as the twenty-first one C skills obligatory to be spherically successful. Does your give lessonss instruction truly take and perfect these competencies? argon assignments reflecting real-world scenarios and applications? Is applied science inf workoutd cross-curricularly? What engineering is do lendable and how equitably? be classrooms teacher-directed or student-centered? argon students functional collaboratively? Is start/problem base education (PBL) occurring or argon learners working(a) separately? ar lesson plans reflecting the aforementioned(prenominal) skills? Does the qualification aim to be accomplished in how to coordinated these competencies? be they convenient and smart at utilizing technology? Does in that location lead to be surplus learn or instruction on beat out practices? Is on that point lucre glide path and capable bandwidth? Is in that location a confide for students to go to use the technology subsequently or forward school? \nIf these skills atomic numb er 18 non being nurtured and thin in the classroom, students willing be at a strong separate in the global marketplace. down the stairs ar item examples of how these twenty-first coulomb skills can be compound lessons.

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