
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt was one of the greatest semi governmental figures in Ameri nates history. His political life started at a very young deal in the New York estate assembly and went any the way to him being one of the best Presidents that ever lived, before outburst turning 43 years old. Roosevelt was a man that thrived on power, and he found it in politics. He once convey: The intimately successful politician is he who says what everybody is thinking well-nigh often and in the loudest voice. (TR www.americanpresident.org) Roosevelt did many things to make our country go bad throughout his political career, from busting up hated trusts all the mood to getting the Panama Canal built. Many volume didnt agree with what he said and did when he was in power, precisely he knew what he was doing was in the best rice beer of the nation. In any mo manpowert of decision, Roosevelt said, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. (TR www.americanpresidnet.org) In his early years in the political office tripping he found himself on the New York State Assembly. He was the youngest ever assemblyman in New York at get on with 24. His following(a) political job was Civil Service Commissioner where he worked unmanageable until he accepted the Presidency of New York Police Commissioner. In both positions, Roosevelt showed honesty in office, much to the displeasure of company bosses. As Civil Service Commissioner, he regularly has disputes with politicians who loved him to ignore the law in favor of business. The best administrator director is the one who has sense enough to pick thoroughly men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to slide by from engaged with them while they do it. (TR www.americanpresident.org) After spending close to snip in the... If you want to get a liberal essay, revise it on our website: OrderEssay.net
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