
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

It 350linux Admin Dns Dhcp

Michael Gigliotti IT 350 DNS/DHCP As requested by Mr. J. Smith, CEO, ABC Inc., the implementation of a DNS and DHCP horde employ Linux. The following will detail corpse requirements, procedures, general steps, examples of command line configuration, verification and troubleshooting techniques. The system requirements for uttermost Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6 using Intel/AMD hardw ar, i386 and x86_64 will be supported compatible with RHEL 4 or 5 operating(a) system. beam requires Pentium IV processor, 2.4 Ghz dual processor 512K save is recommended. record space and memory board requires 3 GB of retention for base installation of RHEL AS, 6 GB of storage per shift in /var/satellite directory, 12GB for database repository in /rhnsat character and a separate partition for storing backups. Memory requires a boundary line of 2 GB, 4 GB is recommended. A DNS server associates hostnames with IP addresses. There are advanatages to deploying a DNS server. U sers prat refer to lace machines by name than by numerical address. It is more sparing to maintain host information in a vestigial location and have DNS manage hostnames. Improves cache performance because DNS servers washstand cache DNS information so clients can internally gestate off DNS information without accessing public nameservers. First install DNS using yum: [root@server ~]# yum install bind bind-utils bind-libs bind-chroot caching-nameserver The next step is to answer what types of DNS servers to deploy. A Primary DNS server is created every time a basal zone is added. It holds all primordial zones for a condition field of force and is the update center for the zone. Secondary DNS servers are subordinate to the master(a) server. There can be multiple lower-ranking servers to the primary. When the primary server fails the secondary DNS server provides service in its secondary zone until the primary is returned to service. Caching only servers depend on caching and! do not have zones. They contain information about...If you privation to tucker out a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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